Where data drives peace and networks multiply impact.
Why the Effective Peacebuilding Initiative?
With conflicts increasing and peacebuilding resources shrinking globally, it's more important than ever to identify and invest in approaches that are proven to work. Identifying what works, however, can be a challenge.
EPI is dedicated to helping peacebuilders collect, disseminate and utilize the best available evidence to prevent and mitigate the effects of armed conflict. We partner with leading experts and funders to help peacebuilders get the knowledge and resources they need to more effectively target their efforts and more accurately evaluate their impact. We believe that providing clear and compelling evidence that peacebuilding can work is the best way to attract the attention, funding and resolve peacebuilders need to succeed.
Everything we make is for you—from our public datasets to our research to our open-source dashboards to our resource network.
Join us in showing the world how peacebuilding can be more effective.

$74 Billion in Peacebuilding Aid
From 2010 to 2019, countries spent around $74 billion on peacebuilding, according to the UN. This figure excludes spending by NGOs and individuals. Despite seeming substantial, these investments are small compared to the trillions lost to war annually, prompting calls for increased peacebuilding funding.

$10 - 20 Trillion in
Conflict Costs
Warfare costs $10-20 trillion per year, with only a fraction of that amount spent on peacebuilding efforts.

27% Increase in Global Conflict Last Year
The conflict has grown by over 27% worldwide in the past year, according to local event data (ACLED) which accounts for variations over time.

Our Dashboards are interactive tools designed to empower the peacebuilding community with reliable, easily accessible data. By centralizing critical information, it helps stakeholders make informed decisions, drive effective interventions, and track progress towards peace.

We work better when we work together. EPI's resource network will enable researchers, evaluators, policymakers, and practitioners to connect and form partnerships to enhance your work in creating a more peaceful world.

The Effective Peace Prize will recognize and advance innovative, scientifically rigorous peacebuilding interventions. The prize supports efforts to gather and apply evidence on effective methods for reducing organized violence and deaths from armed conflict.

We're committed to helping advance evidence-based approaches in peacebuilding. We help fund projects and efforts to address gaps or needs in the data collection, analysis, or use across the peacebuilding field.